POT translate

Welcome! Here you can translate your WordPress POT file into multiples languages to allow your theme or plugin available in the language of your customers.

What is this for?

We develop this tool to help WordPress developers to internationalize their work, themes or plugins, giving a way to automatically translate a POT file.


We use AI to detect your language and suggest the best translation possible.

When you are developping your theme or plugin, instead of write your text in plain way, use the WordPress _e() function. For example, _e("I'm a localized text").

Then, use WP cli to generate your POT source language file. WP CLI will search all your theme/plugin css, js, and php files for texts inside that function, and write the corresponding POT file.

For more information please refer to https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/internationalization/localization/ about localize your theme or plugin, https://wp-cli.org/ about WP CLI and installation steps, and https://developer.wordpress.org/cli/commands/i18n/ to read about generating your POT file.

Once you have your POT file, use our service to automatically translate the file to your desire target language. Download the generated translation and the use a proper software like Poedit to adjust your texts and generate your mo file, the one that WordPress use to show the translated texts.

Let's begin


This is an automated software. You must code your theme or plugin, generate the corresponding source language file pot file, adjust the translation using a proper software, genrate the mo file, install and update WordPress and all the common task you must do.

We are not afiliated or representative with WordPress or Poedit or any other software, site or technology that we could mention or link in this site.

Your are responsible for your texts. We cannot guarantee the meaning of the translation offered. You must adjust it according to your needs. This is a software to help you to translate your text but may be you need to to some manual work.